STM32 development board test box 8 independent key test learning

1, Chang Xue STM32 core board

2, supporting STM32 main chip F103C8T6

STM32F103C8T6 chip is based on ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC core, operating frequency up to 72MHZ, built-in high-speed memory (64KB of flash memory and 20KB of SRAM), rich enhanced I / O ports and peripherals connected to two APB bus .

3, Chang Xue series STM32 experiment box

EESKILL Chang Xue Series Multifunctional Development Learning Board Function Baseboard, together with the smooth learning STM32 core board, coupled with a special large aluminum box constitutes the EESKILL Chang School STM32 Development Learning Experiment Box.

The entire development board consists of a functional motherboard and an extended core board. The extended core board can be fixed to the backplane through copper posts and nuts and combined into a multifunctional development learning board. The functional baseboard and the extended core board can be used together, or they can be used separately and have excellent flexibility and extensibility.

In addition to the STM32 core board, the Changle Series Multifunctional Development Learning Board/Experimental Box also supports the following core boards:

ç•… Chang Xue 51 single-chip microcomputer core board

ç•…Changing PIC microcontroller core board

ç•… Learn MSP430 microcontroller core board (2 types)

MSP430F149 MSP430F5438A

ç•… Learn AVR Core Board

ç•… Learn the ARM7 core board

4, 8 independent key test

Hardware Preparation: 8P DuPont Line 2

Program Download: Correctly download the corresponding test hex

Wiring instructions: Use a 8P DuPont cable to connect the core board PB port and the bottom plate JP69, specific connection method: PB8-K1, PB9-K2, PB10-K3, PB11-K4, PB12-K5, PB13-K6, PB14-K7, PB15-K8; Use a 8P DuPont cable to connect the core board PA port and JP44. Specific connections: PA0-A, PA1-B, PA2-C, PA3-D, PA4-E, PA5-F, PA6-G, PA7-DP.

Jumper Description: None

Specific connection methods: PB8-K1, PB9-K2, PB10-K3, PB11-K4, PB12-K5, PB13-K6, PB14-K7, PB15-K8.

Specific connections: PA0-A, PA1-B, PA2-C, PA3-D, PA4-E, PA5-F, PA6-G, PA7-DP.

Experimental phenomenon: press the reset button, a digital display shows the independent button

5, related experimental program source code

/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2017 EESKILL Multifunctional Development Learning Board****************** **

* File name: main.c

* Description: When the independent keys K1-K8 are pressed, 1 digital tube shows 1-8 respectively

* Experimental Platform: EESKILL Multi-Function Development Learning Board

* Library version: ST3.5.0

* Hardware connection: ---------------------------

* Microcontroller IO | PB8 - JP69 - key1 | Independent Button Module

* | PB9 - key2 |

* | PB10 - key3 |

* | PB11 - key4 |

* | PB12 - key5 |

* | PB13 - key6 |

* | PB14 - key7 |

* | PB15 - key8 |

* ---------------------------

* Hardware connection:--------------------

* Microcontroller IO | PA0 - JP44 - A | One common digital control module

* | PA1 - JP44 - B |

* | PA2 - JP44 - C |

* | PA3 - JP44 - D |

* | PA4 - JP44 - E |

* | PA5 - JP44 - F |

* | PA6 - JP44 - G |

* | PA7 - JP44 - DP |

* --------------------

* Experiment description: The software query method used to implement cannot detect multiple key presses

************************************************** ********************************/

#include "stm32f10x.h"

#include "delay.h"

#include "key.h"

#include "smg.h"


* @brief Main program.

* @param None

* @retval : None


Int main(void)


/* config the sysclock to 72m */






If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_8) == KEY_ON )




If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_9) == KEY_ON )




If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_10) == KEY_ON )




If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_11) == KEY_ON )




If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_12) == KEY_ON )




If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_13) == KEY_ON )




If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_14) == KEY_ON )




If( Key_Scan(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_15) == KEY_ON )






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