Someone bought, someone terminated the reorganization, what is Snowlet/NVC Lighting/Tongfang shares busy?

Snow Wright plans to acquire 300 million yuan for Zhuoyu Automation

Snowlight, a small and medium-sized board company that started production and sales of energy-saving lamps, is still on the road of cross-border mergers and acquisitions.

Snow Wright, which has been suspended for nearly half a year, released a restructuring plan yesterday afternoon. The company intends to issue shares and pay cash to purchase assets and supporting financing. The company will restructure 100% of Zhuoyu Automation, which is held by 4 shareholders, and will distribute the lithium battery production terminal to further expand the new energy automobile industry chain. . The company's stock will continue to be suspended.

It is worth noting that the reorganized target Zhuo Yu Automation was established in 2013, mainly engaged in the production, research and development and sales of new energy vehicle power lithium battery production equipment. The company's self-developed square power battery positive and negative pressure æ°¦ leak detection equipment, square power battery assembly line equipment, etc., supply Ningde era, AVIC lithium battery, Jiangsu Haiji new energy, Yiwei lithium energy, lion technology, Xinwangda Lithium battery manufacturers.

According to the restructuring plan, Shell Wright plans to purchase 100% equity of Zhuoyu Automation by issuing shares and paying cash. The transaction price is 300 million yuan, of which 65% of the transaction consideration is 195 million yuan, which is paid by way of issuing shares, at 6.1 per share. The Yuan price issued nearly 31.97 million shares to purchase assets, and another cash payment of 105 million yuan. At the same time, the company intends to raise no more than 78 million yuan in matching funds for the non-public offering of shares of no more than 10 specific investors, with no more than the transaction price of the assets purchased by way of issuing shares, to pay the cash consideration and intermediary fees for the transaction. After the completion of the transaction, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company are still Chai Guosheng.

It is worth mentioning that on June 30 this year, all the shareholders' equity of Zhuoyu Automation was estimated at nearly 303 million yuan, and the appreciation rate was as high as 1128.24%. In the program, the financial report shows that Zhuoyu Automation achieved operating income of 34.82 million yuan and net profit of 4.16 million yuan in 2016. However, in the first half of this year, the operating income was nearly 55.36 million yuan and the net profit was nearly 14.72 million yuan, all significantly exceeding last year.

In recent years, based on the “light technology application” business, Shelllight has gradually expanded its business of new energy vehicles, high-end intelligent manufacturing and smart consumer electronics. Among them, in the field of new energy automobile business, the company has cut into the field of automotive lighting, new energy vehicle charging pile equipment and systems.

Shell Wright said that the acquisition will further extend the company's new energy vehicle business, which is another step in the company's new energy vehicle strategy and will enhance the company's profitability.

The transaction also promised that Zhuoyu Automation's 2017 net profit is not less than 22 million yuan, the accumulated net profit in 2017 and 2018 is not less than 55 million yuan, and the accumulated net profit from 2017 to 2019 is not less than 104.5 million yuan.

Zhuoyu Automation is just one part of the acquisition of Shell Wright. In the past three years, it has initiated mergers and acquisitions for 11 companies, including light technology applications, smart consumer electronics, high-end intelligent manufacturing, automotive core components and education.

In the first half of this year, Shell Wright's operating income was 452 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.46%; net profit was 0.15 billion yuan, down 19.93% year-on-year.

NVC: Court dismissed appeal to maintain first-instance judgment

NVC Lighting (02222) issued a notice that a finance company filed a claim in the First Intermediate People's Court of Chongqing for a related wholly-owned subsidiary of the group, NVC Lighting (China) Co., Ltd.

In the lawsuit, the finance company requested Wu Lianjiang, the former director of the company's former director, Wu Lian to repay the financial company a sum of RMB 34 million plus penalty interest and expenses based on several agreements between the finance company and Wu Lian.

The Finance Company further requested that Wu Changjiang, NVC China and two other entities should act as guarantors to assume joint and several liability for the above obligations of Wu Lian to the Finance Company.

The Board further referred to the section on litigation progress in the company's 2016 annual report. The relevant guarantors, including NVC China, were ordered to pay joint liabilities of RMB 34 million plus interest and expenses to Wu Lian. NVC China has subsequently appealed the first instance judgment.

In addition, the company recently received a judgment from the Chongqing Higher People's Court against the NVC China Appeal and the first-instance judgment. According to relevant Chinese laws, the judgment of the Chongqing Higher People's Court is the final judgment.

Tongfang shares terminate major asset restructuring

On September 14, Tongfang shares announced that the company held the 22nd meeting of the seventh board of directors, reviewed and approved the “Proposal on the termination of major assets reorganization of the company”, and agreed to terminate the major asset restructuring. Due to the planning of major events, the company has demonstrated and negotiated with the relevant parties. The above-mentioned major events involve major asset acquisitions, which constitute a major asset restructuring of the company. According to the relevant provisions of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Listing Rules, the company The company's stock has been suspended since April 21, 2017.

The announcement shows that on July 19, 2017, the company signed a “Intention Agreement on the Issuance of Shares and Payment of Cash to Purchase the Shares of Shanghai Lai Shi Blood Products Co., Ltd.” with Kerui Tiancheng and Lai Shi China. After the China Securities Regulatory Commission approved the transaction, Kerui Tiancheng and Lai Shi China subscribed for the shares issued by the company, and the company acquired the shares of Shanghai Lai Shi.

Since the launch of this major asset restructuring, the company and related parties have actively promoted the relevant work of this restructuring, organized various intermediaries to conduct comprehensive due diligence and other related work, and discussed, demonstrated and improved specific reorganization plans. Since the issuance of shares to purchase assets must be approved in advance by the state-owned assets supervision and administration department, and the opinions of the relevant competent authorities must be sought, the company and the parties to the transaction continue to refine and improve the trading plan, and repeat the key terms such as the transaction method. Discussion and communication, but has not been approved or agreed by the relevant authorities. In view of this, the company and the counterparty believe that the conditions for continuing to reorganize this major asset restructuring are not mature enough. In order to protect the interests of listed companies and investors, after careful research and friendly negotiations, the two parties decided to terminate this major asset restructuring.

Tongfang shares stated that the termination of this major asset restructuring will not adversely affect the normal operation of the company's existing business. As an important direction of the company's industrial development strategy, the large health industry will continue to improve the industrial layout in this field, expand new profit growth points, enhance the profitability and operating performance of listed companies, and continue to return to shareholders. At the same time, the company also recognizes the position of Shanghai Lai Shi in the blood products industry and its business quality. In the future, the company will seek opportunities to promote cooperation with Shanghai Lai Shi and other partners in the field of large health industry.

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