Tencent Digital (Ma Yuhui) announced its return to the mobile phone circle in May last year and released its first mobile phone product in August of the same year. Until now, the 360 ​​mobile phone has already gone through one year and three months. But for the 360 ​​mobile phone, this year's time flies is not smooth, capital changes once let 360 mobile phones fall into the "triangle" disputes with Cool, LeTV, but also once asked the future of the 360 ​​mobile phone question mark . Fortunately, these "frustrations" have finally been properly resolved. In March of this year, the 360 ​​mobile phone after "returning blood" will sort out the existing product line, merge the Qikuo and Da Shen two brands, and at the same time redraw the three product lines of F, N and Q. After the F and N product lines were launched in succession, the Q series that positioned the high-end flagship officially ushered in the release of the new Q5 & Q5 Plus machine yesterday. 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The design style has not changed To be honest, Q5 Plus gave me the first impression that it was like the last generation of products. If it wasn't for a careful comparison later, I really didn't quite know which one was the new product. Looking at the screen, the Q5 Plus still maintains a good proportion of the screen. The official data shows that its effective screen ratio has reached 86%, which is 3% more than the previously launched Qikuo Ultimate. In addition, the control of the "black edge" BM area around the Q5 Plus screen is also acceptable, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Why, then, is better known than the mobile phone of Meizu. After the experience, I feel that in addition to the Q5 Plus 6.0-inch screen is not easy to handle with one hand, but also can obviously feel a lot of lighter body weight, the use of a lower density of aviation-grade aluminum-magnesium alloy to do all-metal body Today, it has become a common practice in the industry. In addition, the surface of the magnesium aluminum alloy body will naturally form a layer of aluminum oxide, not only to avoid corrosion of the metal surface, but also not easily exposed to fingerprints, oil. An integrated dual SIM card slot is designed on the left side of the mobile phone. Nano SIM cards can be used for both card slots. One of the card slots also takes into account the expansion slot of the Micro SD memory card (maximum 128GB expansion). As for the use of dual-card dual standby or single-card + memory card expansion, it depends on your personal practical needs. But then again, Q5 Plus has provided 128GB of body storage space, daily use is definitely enough, I feel we should use dual card dual standby should be more. On the network side, the Q5 Plus supports Mobile/China Unicom/Telecom 4G Netcom, but it should be noted that the two card slots cannot use telecommunication cards at the same time. The Q5 Plus also replaced the data/power interface with the Type-C standard. Compared with the traditional Micro USB interface, the new interface can provide greater charging current and faster data transmission speed. Of course, the Type-C interface has also been improved in ease of use. On the left side of the Q5 Plus's fuselage, a new physical key named "Chih-Key" has been added. Using it, many mobile phone functions can be quickly operated, such as turning on the flashlight, and turning on the recording function. In addition, this smart key can also be a key to help, if you really encounter a critical situation, you can press the smart key + volume down button to send emergency messages to the emergency contact, Q5 Plus will call the emergency contact phone and send a message for help And location information. Safety protection is the highlight Based on the property isolation system last year, 360 added a new security chip called "Bank Level" to Q5 Plus. From the introduction of the 360 ​​mobile phone president Zhu Fanghao at the press conference, Q5 Plus's security chip is jointly developed by Oberthur, Infineon and 360. This piece of security chip can achieve the highest certification level of bank cards and smart card chips, EAL5+. Therefore, there is a saying that there is a "bank-level" security chip. As for the specific working principle, it is similar to the mobile phone with the same independent security chip. This security chip is independent of Android hardware and software, and it independently runs encryption and payment software and stores private information such as passwords and fingerprints. In addition to active protection, this piece of security chip can also let the mobile phone accidentally lost to exert its own final "excess heat." Upon encountering a forced ROOT, clearing a fingerprint lock, shutting down the network, or replacing a SIM card, the security chip of the Q5 Plus will trigger the chip anti-theft mechanism and the mobile phone will immediately lock. After Q5 Plus is locked, only the fingerprint unlock program can run. If there is no correct fingerprint input within 60 minutes, the phone will automatically erase all data and the phone processor will be locked. There is such a mobile phone with a "self-destruction" function. I am no longer afraid of losing my mobile phone. In addition to the hardware security chip, the Q5 Plus has added a new "privacy system" to the software security, which is encrypted and protected by the security chip alone. Users can transfer images, videos, and even files that need to be hidden into this privacy system. . In addition, access to the privacy system requires identification through a specific fingerprint. It does not set up any entry on an ordinary desktop system to prevent privacy leakage. In addition to protecting the security of pictures and data, the privacy system also has a more practical function of encrypting calls and text messages. As shown in the figure below, the content of the message will be presented to the recipient in the form of cipher text (ancient poetry), and the recipient needs to authenticate if he wants to decrypt it. Privacy information is no longer stored in the original text after encryption, so malicious software cannot obtain private information. However, it should be noted that this call and SMS encryption function can only be performed between two 360 mobile phones. The “property isolation system†is our old friend. There are built-in payment screening applications that are securely screened in this isolation system so that you can secure the software applications you download, such as online banking and stock trading. When you are doing a payment transaction, your mobile phone will send payment data through a 360 secure VPN. And, during this period, the system that you received for payment authentication messages will also be separately encrypted to prevent malicious programs from being stolen. Finally ushered in the dragon 820 Since it is positioned as the flagship product of the 360 ​​mobile phone, the Q5 Plus cannot naturally be vague on the choice of processor. It is also equipped with the now popular Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor (2.15GHz). As a new processing chip for Qualcomm's 14nm process process, not only does it have a corresponding increase in performance, it also has better power control. It is matched with the Adreno 530 graphics processor, which is about 40% better than the previous generation in graphics processing, computing power and power utilization. According to the test data given by the running sub-software, 360 mobile phone Q5 Plus Ann rabbit (v6.2.1) score reached 134,316 points, such performance is second only to the Samsung S7 edge; and the score measured in GeekBench 3 is Single-core 2335 points, multi-core 5315 points, the same with the S7 edge. I got this 360 mobile phone Q5 Plus with 4GB of running memory, the new machine can be used to run the remaining 2.15GB of memory, this data has been quite good. Compared to Samsung Note 7, which has just finished the evaluation reset, only 1.8GB of available storage is available. If you think that this 2.15GB is not enough, Q5 Plus also offers a larger version of 6GB of running memory, but this requires you to pay more money to pay for it. The Q5 Plus's body storage is very kind, using 128GB UFS 2.0 high-speed flash memory. From the reading and writing data measured by the A1 SD Bench software, the UFS 2.0 high-speed flash memory used on the Q5 Plus can achieve a reading speed of 418.47 MB/s and a writing speed of 161.63 MB/s. This read and write speed is 4 times faster than the eMMC 5.0 read/write speed used by the previous generation 360 mobile phone's flagship product. Specific to the actual experience, 360 mobile phone Q5 Plus is stable in daily use. When testing a large-scale 3D mobile game “Popular Explosionâ€, there was no abnormality such as the sloping of the screen, the smoothness of the progress, and the absence of flashback. In terms of heat generation, the Q5 Plus adopts a full-metal body. During the 45-minute high-intensity game test, although the temperature at the back of the camera body near the camera has increased, the heat is still controlled within an acceptable range. Q5 Plus has a built-in LG cell 3700 mAh mobile phone battery, which is consistent with the previous generation in terms of capacity. However, the Q5 Plus has been upgraded for charging, supporting the QC3.0 fast charging standard. From the test point of view, it takes about 75 minutes to charge from 0% to 100%, which is about 25 minutes less than the previous generation. In the next power-consumption test (test environment: Wi-Fi on, 4G network off, 2G network standby), the Q5 Plus was tested for one hour of the “Popular†mobile game at full power, and the remaining power was 86%; followed by a one-hour local video playback, the remaining power dropped to 71%; after the start of the battery life test, after another 5 hours of electricity remaining 58%. Dual lens play more slipped With the experience of doing "color + black and white" dual cameras last year, this year's 360 handsets still choose to bet on the flagship Q5 Plus. But this time, they upgraded the "color + black and white" dual camera technology to version 2.0. The color camera is used to capture the color of the scene, and the black and white lens captures the outline and details of the scene. At the same time, the area of ​​a single pixel of a double lens has been increased to 1.34 microns, which is quite helpful for increasing the amount of light entering. In addition, the "Color + Black and White" dual camera 2.0 also incorporates the PDAF phase + depth of field + contrast hybrid focus scheme, in the actual sample shooting process, you can feel the Q5 Plus in autofocus speed and accuracy significantly improved. In sunny weather conditions, the quality of the samples taken with the Q5 Plus 360 mobile phone was good. Details, sense of hierarchy remain intact, and the edges of the scene are barely smudged. Compared to the previous generation, the Q5 Plus has further corrections in terms of white balance and color saturation. Prior to this, the more intense red and blue colors have now been adjusted to a more balanced state. The macro shooting is still awesome. Not only is the depth of field effect apparent, but the sharpness of the picture is also good. In addition, the Q5 Plus also has a professional shooting mode with background blur. When shooting with this function, the distance between the subject and the mobile phone must be kept within two meters. Into the dark light environment for the shooting of night photos, Q5 Plus still has room for improvement in the dark part of the suppression of noise, but the overall picture brightness is good, which is obviously a double lens large amount of light into the credit. A big and complete flagship product From the hands-on experience, I think Q5 Plus can be regarded as a large and complete flagship product. It not only has a 6-inch large screen with a strong visual impact, but also has good life and convenient fast charging. Snapdragon 820 processor, 128GB body storage and up to 6GB of running memory, coupled with the force of the "color + black and white" dual camera, can be fully and currently commercially available Android's flagship product for PK. At the same time, we must not overlook the security features it has. Based on the security phone last year, 360 added hardware chip-level security to the Q5 Plus, which is also a complement to previous products in terms of security. This dual protection of the mobile phone software + hardware, I believe it will also be a major direction for the future development of the mobile phone industry. .wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; } 5G Industrial Router features Application field 5G Industrial Router,Industrial Lte Router Poe,Industrial Security Router,Industrial 5G Cellular Router Shenzhen MovingComm Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.mcrouters.com ",n+="
With the continuous progress and development of science and technology, a new generation of communication technology -5G is gradually entering our lives. In the industrial field, the application of 5G technology is also constantly advancing, bringing new opportunities and challenges to industrial production. Industrial routers, as one of the key devices for 5G applications, play a crucial role. This paper will introduce the definition, characteristics, application fields, development trends and other aspects of 5G industrial routers in detail.
What is 5G Industrial Router
Simply put, 5G industrial router is a special type of router equipment based on 5G technology, which is used to connect industrial equipment and systems to achieve high-speed transmission and exchange of data. Compared with traditional routers, 5G industrial routers have higher bandwidth and lower latency, which can better meet the requirements of real-time data transmission and high stability in industrial production environments.
Features of 5G industrial routers
First of all, high bandwidth is a significant feature of 5G industrial routers. The introduction of 5G technology enables industrial routers to support large-scale data transmission and processing, providing more powerful data communication capabilities for modern industrial production. Second, low latency is another important feature of 5G industrial routers. The advantage of low latency enables industrial routers to achieve real-time data transmission and processing, improving the efficiency and response speed of industrial production. In addition, 5G industrial routers also have the characteristics of high stability, high reliability and high security, and can cope with complex industrial environments and demanding data communication needs.
5G industrial router application field
First of all, the Internet of Things field is one of the important areas of 5G industrial router application. As the popularity and application range of Internet of Things devices continue to expand, the requirements for data communication are becoming higher and higher, and 5G industrial routers can provide reliable data connection and transmission services for Internet of Things devices. Secondly, the field of industrial automation is also one of the main application areas of 5G industrial routers. In industrial production, the transmission and processing of real-time data is crucial to improve production efficiency and quality, and 5G industrial routers can meet the needs of high-speed and low-latency data transmission to help achieve the goal of industrial automation. In addition, 5G industrial routers can also be widely used in intelligent transportation, smart cities, intelligent manufacturing and other fields.
With the continuous development of 5G technology, 5G industrial routers will also usher in a new development trend. First, with the popularity of iot devices, the demand for 5G industrial routers will further grow. Secondly, the introduction of virtualization and network slicing technology makes industrial routers have higher flexibility and scalability, in addition, the improvement of security will also become an important direction of the development of 5G industrial routers to cope with increasingly complex network threats and security challenges.
360 mobile phone Q5 Plus review: hardware security completed this time
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