STMicroelectronics is committed to maintaining its leadership position by continuously developing and launching new products with advanced features such as page views, video recording, and time shifting. From solid-state silicon TV tuner that supports satellite and terrestrial transmission standards to low-power demodulator for cable, satellite and digital terrestrial standards: DVB-T / T2, ATSC, DVB-C or DVB-S / S2, to each A variety of MPEG processors, from value-added MPEG-2 SD solutions to excellent H.264 HD and 3D set-top box solutions. A complete software system has been established to provide SoC platform support for these applications. The main smart products include:- Cable, satellite and terrestrial demodulator MPEG2 / MPEG4 / H.264 and application processor Tuner IC Audio / video switch and buffer HDMI and DisplayPort interconnection and conversion IC Power and power management ICs OLED display power and management IC Protection device LCD Monitor LCD monitors are aimed at the computer and A / V markets. Generally speaking, they receive input signals from VGA, DVI and composite video sources. IP set-top box IPTV set-top boxes allow users to browse and watch Internet TV and other network content through a broadband connection. Standard definition (SD) or high definition (HD) depends on the type of MPEG decoder used. The following example is a stand-alone IP set-top box, but ST also supports a hybrid IP set-top box, in addition to IP, you can also connect another media mode (cable, satellite or digital terrestrial TV broadcast). ST's extensive middleware and third-party application support ensure that your TV can easily watch Internet content. MII and GMII interfaces support Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet connections. eSATA and USB 2.0 interfaces meet the needs of connecting other audio / video media. Satellite set-top box The satellite broadcast set-top box is based on the QPSK series of modulation schemes, and is composed of some front-end standard definition (SD) or high definition (HD) MPEG decoders, and applies advanced video encoding technology.
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